PeopleSoft provides several tools to ensure the integrity of the data that is stored in the PeopleSoft system. Typically, you use these tools during installations, upgrades, and system configuration to verify the PeopleSoft system and compare it to the underlying SQL objects to ensure synchronization. Data Integrity tools include:
SYSAUDIT | The System Audit (SYSAUDIT) identifies orphaned PeopleSoft objects and other inconsistencies within the system. An example of an orphaned object is a module of PeopleCode that exists, but which does not relate to any other objects in the system. |
DDDAUDIT | The Database Audit Report (DDDAUDIT) finds inconsistencies between PeopleTools record and index definitions and the database objects. This audit focuses on tables, views, and indexes. |
SQL Alter | The PeopleSoft Application Designer SQL Alter function brings SQL tables into accordance with PeopleTools record definitions. |